What Is Body Sculpting?

Women in Atlanta, GA, and Beyond Are Losing
Pounds and Inches, and Keeping Them Off FOR GOOD

Menopausal Women Describe Frustrations with Their Bodies and Expanding Bellies
Inspiration for Women Dealing with Menopause Weight Gain

How Body Sculpting Can Help Women in Menopause

We’ve dedicated their lives to raising kids, developing careers, caring for extended families, supporting friends – and so much more.  We pour themselves into loved ones and communities, but when we reach a season of life when we finally have the time to focus on ourselves, we fear that our best years are behind them. 

Having been there, ourselves, our team firmly disagree!

Throughout women’s lives, hormones play a key role in our physique: both pounds and inches, as well as how and where fat is distributed on our bodies.  As we enter, endure and exit menopause somewhere around our 40s, 50s and 60s, it may feel like the hormonal effect is wreaking more havoc than ever before. 

This moment of self-reflection is a
golden opportunity to stop and understand
what kind of fat you’re fighting so you can
take full control of it – for good.

Two Kinds of Fat

  • Menopausal Woman Whose Belly Fat Makes Her Look Pregnant

    Visceral Fat

    Simply put, this is the kind of fat that makes you look pregnant when you’re not.  This fat accumulates deep inside your abdomen, surrounding your organs and supporting critical bodily functions when at an appropriate amount.  When excessive visceral fat develops, it pushes out your abdominal well in that undesirable rounded fashion, leading to a “potbelly” or “beer belly” in men, and “meno belly” in women.

  • Frustrating Belly Fat That Exercise and Diet Cannot Address

    Subcutaneous Fat

    This is the fat you can pinch on the outside of your body, and it exists just below your skin.  Like visceral fat, some subcutaneous fat is necessary for healthy body function.  Unlike visceral fat, subcutaneous fat is much harder to control through diet and exercise.  Genetics largely dictate how much subcutaneous fat your body carries, although poor diet and lack of exercise can exacerbate excessive levels of subcutaneous fat.

Menopausal Women Have Two Different Types of Belly Fat

How to Get Rid of

Unwanted Belly Fat

From the Inside Out

Unless you’re working with a physician to explore gastric bypass or LapBand surgeries (indicating that you have a significant amount of weight to lose), the only way to eliminate visceral fat is through diet and exercise.  The number of diet and exercise regimens available in today’s multi-billion dollar weight loss industry is too high to count, much less list here!  Consensus on which diet is “best” simply does not exist.  However, recent analysis of long term clinical trials suggests that intermittent fasting is among the most viable means of losing visceral fat and maintaining that loss long-term.

Prescription diet drugs like phentermine, semaglutide and tirzepatide have become very popular for rapid loss of pounds, including visceral (or belly) fat.  These drugs are highly effective appetite suppressants and often lead to rapid loss of significant amounts of weight (10+ pounds a month in many cases). 

Whether surgery, pill or shot, the challenge with these treatments is that the weight will return unless you make necessary diet and exercise changes to maintain the loss.  Intermittent fasting while taking these drugs is an effective way of adopting a long-term, healthy diet that eliminates the need for ongoing prescription therapy.

From the Outside In

Modern technology has led to both surgical and non-surgical means of eliminating subcutaneous fat.  While a host of procedures exists, the three most common treatment types are:

Liposuction for Fat Reduction Is Invasive and Painful

Surgery to suck out the fat (liposuction)

Liposuction generates immediate results because it sucks fat from your body, just as a breast reduction immediately reduces breast size.  However, liposuction is a painful, invasive and expensive procedure that requires extensive recovery (drains, bandage changes, weeks of downtime) and carries the same risks as any surgery that uses general anesthesia.

CoolSculpting Elite Is Better for Fat Reduction Than EmSculpt Neo

Heat the fat to kill off cells (laser, radiofrequency, ultrasound)

Use of heat-based therapies to kill fat cells shows some success, but the human body cannot endure the pain of the level of heat necessary to effectively use heat to permanently kill fat cells.

CoolSculpting Elite Is the Best Method of Non Invasive, Permanent Fat Reduction

Freeze fat cells to kill them off (cryolypolisis)

The gold standard in permanent, non-invasive subcutaneous fat reduction is CoolSculpting Elite. With a relatively low cost, little to no downtime (you can work or resume daily activities immediately) and permanent results, CoolSculpting Elite enables you to lose inches in precisely targeted areas of your body, with results appearing naturally over a course of several weeks to months.

Optimal Results

Each menopausal woman’s body transformation journey takes a different path and timeline.  For that reason, we begin every consultation by listening to your concerns and goals, then we discern whether the primary obstacles to feeling good about your body are related to visceral or subcutaneous fat.

We offer multiple solutions that meet you where you are on your journey based on thoughtful consideration of your needs and goals. If it makes most sense to tackle visceral fat first, we will hold your hand through the diet and lifestyle changes that will set you on a path toward long-lasting success. Rest assured, though, that we won’t be telling you to reduce your calories and hit the gym more.  We know from personal and clinical experience that the “calories in-calories out” method simply doesn’t work to reach and sustain weight loss.

If you are close to your ideal weight but frustrated by specific body parts that haven’t responded to diet and exercise, we will leverage the gold standard technique of CoolSculpting Elite to shape your body back to a form you thought you’d lost forever…or never thought you’d be able to attain, much less after menopause.

Formed Body Sculpting also offers a proprietary method of eliminating both pounds and inches simultaneously and keeping them off for good. Space in the 12 Weeks transFORMED program is limited and opens up only four times a year.  Please note that priority access is given to existing Formed Body Sculpting clients.

Meet the Team

  • Cat Sanders CoolSculpting Elite for Menopause

    Cat Sanders


  • Mahpara Aly Atlanta Georgia CoolSculpting Elite Expert

    Mahpara Aly


  • Tanya Shorthouse Atlanta Georgia CoolSculpting Elite Expert

    Tanya Shorthouse


  • Alleia Papaik Atlanta Georgia CoolSculpting Elite

    Alleia Papaik


Treat with the Team Who (literally)
Wrote the Book on CoolSculpting Elite.


Making a permanent change to your body is a big decision! That’s why we strongly encourage you to do your homework. We’ve pulled together information directly from the manufacturer and our years of honing our CoolSculpting Elite skills to provide you with a primer on this gold standard procedure.


Make Menopause Your Renaissance

Take control of your body confidence so your best years are ahead of you, not behind.